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Environment Variables

The application can be configured using environment variables. Simply set the environment variables when starting the Docker container or in your docker-compose.yml when using Docker Compose.

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
USER_APPROVAL_REQUIREDWhether to require user approval before they can upload images. Available options are true and falsetrue
USER_ALLOW_UNAUTHENTICATED_ACCESSWhether to allow unauthenticated users to access public routes. Available options are true and falsetrue
USER_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTHMinimum password length required for users.6
USER_PASSWORD_REQUIREMENTSBitmask of password requirements. Sum of the following options: 1 (numbers), 2 (lowercase), 4 (uppercase), 8 (special characters).15
IMAGE_MAX_SIZEMaximum image size allowed to be uploaded (no more than 50M).15M
IMAGE_STRIP_EXIF_METADATAWhether to strip EXIF metadata from the uploaded images. Available options are true and falsetrue
STORAGE_PROVIDERStorage provider to use. Available options are local,smb,s3local
SMB_HOSTSMB host to connect to. Required if Samba provider is used.null
SMB_USERNAMESMB username to use. Required if Samba provider is used.null
SMB_PASSWORDSMB password to use. Required if Samba provider is used.null
SMB_SHARESMB share to use. Required if Samba provider is used.null
AMAZON_S3_REGIONAWS region to use for S3 storage. Required if an Amazon S3 provider is used.null
AMAZON_S3_BUCKETAWS bucket name to use for S3 storage. Required if an Amazon S3 provider is used.null
AMAZON_S3_ACCESS_KEY_IDAWS access key ID to use for S3 storage. Required if an Amazon S3 provider is used.null
AMAZON_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEYAWS secret access key to use for S3 storage. Required if an Amazon S3 provider is used.null